Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Welcome Back, Great Dane

The Atlanta Falcons have brought back Morten Andersen. Again.

The 47-year old kicker will begin his 25th season competing in the NFL.

To put his age into perspective, he was lining up extra points for the Saints when Archie Manning was still their quarterback. He made his NFL debut before 21 of the Falcons' current players were born.

Meanwhile, tonight, I attended the Braves' game and cheered loudly for Julio Franco (as I always do, and to the tune of "Sussudio," at that). The 49 year old marvel, with the help of the strongest steroid of all (Jesus of Nazareth, and presumably nothing else), came through with an RBI single for the Braves.

Now, if only we can convince the Hawks to sign Kevin Willis, we will have a full complement of old guys to root for in the ATL.


Collins said...

no IMMEDIATE post about byron leftwich? i'm disappointed boys...

Babar said...

Yeah, part of me feels like someone should have written something. But I didn't.

Maybe I am too concerned that Leftwich is the new Jeff George. Maybe I am upset that the Harrington Era hasn't blossomed like I thought it might. Maybe I am just not ready for another #7 on the sidelines. Or maybe I just had to work all day. Choose your excuse, I think they all fit.